Why Us?

  • Our Staff

    We will be running the show up front while you do your thing in the kitchen! Our fully trained front of the house staff will coordinate and handle walk in customers and pick-ups. Including running food from your kitchen to the lobby.

  • Lobby

    The SCV Hub will feature an inviting, comfortable and efficient lobby. Equipped with food lockers, warmers and in-person ordering kiosks.

  • Staff Break Room

    A thoughtfully designed, air conditioned break room for all facility employees.

  • Ordering Platform

    A revolutionary ordering platform that will send all orders directly to each corresponding kitchen. Coordinates pick-up and delivery orders. Provides detailed reports of sales. All at a fraction of the price of a large 3rd party service.

  • Marketing

    The SCV Hub will launch its very own Marketing Campaigns to promote our facility and all restaurants within.

  • Savings!

Lease Opportunities